If FALSE, we move into yet another IF function. This time, we test to see if the score is less than 73. If FALSE, we move into the next IF function. nested-if-statements-excel-2010 1/2 Downloaded from on Septemby guest Kindle File Format Nested If Statements Excel 2010 When people should go to the books stores, search inauguration by shop, shelf by shelf, it is in fact problematic. To build up a nested IF formula that reflects this logic, we start by testing to see if the score is below 64. The logic for assigning a grade goes like this: Score In the example shown, we are using nested IF functions to assign grades based on a score. The idea of nesting comes from embedding or 'nesting' one IF function inside another. You'll often hear this referred to as 'nested IFs'. If you need to test for more than one condition, then take one of several actions, depending on the result of the tests, one option is to nest multiple IF statements together in one formula. Usually, nested IFs are used when you need to test more than one condition and return different results depending on those tests. This article describes the Excel nested IF construction.